The Havre/Hill County Behavioral Health Local Advisory Council is a local advocacy group working towards meeting the behavioral health needs of Hill County. We encourage anyone in the community to join us in our efforts. We partner with other local agencies to work as a team and offer referral services for those looking for behavioral health services.Mental Health Matters
Mini Conference
May 25, 2022
Hensler Auditorium and on Zoom
with Jason Kilmer, PhD
Associate Professor in Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
University of Washington, School of Medicine
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder with Kathryn Olson, FNP, PMHNP
Narcan information with a professional panel
Fentanyl and Drug Trends on the Hi-line with Lt. CJ Reichelt
Youth and Anxiety with Amber Spring, MS, LCPC
Who We Are
The Hill County Behavioral Health Local Advisory Council members represent consumers, family members, behavioral health providers, primary care providers, educational organizations, and other community service providers.
By statute, 51% of the membership must those who are receiving behavioral health services or their family members.
What We Do
We examine services available in Hill County and work toward solutions to fill gaps in those services. We also provide education and awareness activities centered around mental health and substance use.
Local Advisory Councils are part of the state behavioral health system. We work with the Central Service Area Authority, Behavioral Health Advisory Council, and the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services Addictive and Mental Disorders Division.
Our meetings are open to the public and are held the second Monday of each month at noon. Meetings are generally held at the Havre-Hill County Library and can be accessed online.
Upcoming Events
Meetings are scheduled the 2nd Monday of each month at noon. We are currently meeting virtually.
Meetings are scheduled the 2nd Monday of each month at noon. We are currently meeting virtually.
Meetings are scheduled the 2nd Monday of each month at noon. We are currently meeting virtually.
Meetings are scheduled the 2nd Monday of each month at noon. We are currently meeting virtually.
Meetings are scheduled the 2nd Monday of each month at noon. We are currently meeting virtually.