WRIISC yoga nidra classes are available to all VA enrolled Veterans. The meditation can be done seated, laying down, or standing. No special equipment needed except a telephone. Yoga nidrais safe, however, Veterans must assure they will not drive or operate machinery during class.

Yoga nidra (yoga sleep) is a spoken word guided meditation that promotes a sense of deep calm while enhancing awareness. The meditation class follows the 10 stage iRest™ protocol. During class Veterans:

  • Discover a heartfelt mission & purpose and establish a goal for the meditation
  • Establish and connect with an inner “safe haven”
  • Explore the connection between body sensations, emotions, thoughts and beliefs with an awareness of how thoughts and emotions affect the body and mind
  • Learn to experience an inner joy and develop an awareness of, and access to, one’s own sense of well-being
  • Connect with an inner strength & resiliency in order to more appropriately “respond” rather than “react” to situations in life

Veterans may also benefit from the restful sleep-like state achieved during the meditation. Join each week –no class limit.

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5pm Pacific Time
Access code: 24953#

For more information contact:
Louise Mahoney:650-815-9463 or [email protected]

 [email protected]

WRIISC Yoga Nidra